Mailing Address:
412 W. 17th
Eugene, Or. 97401
412 W. 17th
Eugene, Or. 97401
Voice: 541.686.8060
Fax: 541.686.6647
Voice: 541.686.8060
Fax: 541.686.6647
The Process Work Institute of Portland
This non-profit center dedicated to research & training in Process Work offers a Diploma Program, and state-authorized Masters of Arts programs in Process Work, and Conflict Facilitation and Organizational Change. PWI also regularly presents classes, workshops and forums for the general public.
The PWI website provides full information on these programs as well as other seminars, classes, & workshops; definitions of key process work concepts; and links to process workers and centers around the globe.
Lao Tse Press
publisher of books about Process – Oriented Psychology
Drs. Arnold and Amy Mindell
founders of Process – Oriented Psychology
In Canada: Stan Tomandl and Ann Jacob
In South Africa: comacare