Healing History

Love Power and Wisdom_cover copyIn Healing History Dr. Gary Reiss challenges and expands upon the central principles of psychology and conflict resolution. The central principle behind psychology focuses on individuals and their personal lives. This however, covers about half of what psychology needs to cover. The missing half is not personal to me or you but what we carry psychologically due to our extended multi-generational family system, the groups we are part of, the history of these groups and the countries they come from. The central principle behind most peacemaking and facilitation is to work with the problems of the present moment, to make some kind of peace treaty and write it up. We, those of us who are therapists, facilitators and peacemakers, don’t address the hidden presence history often plays. As a result, the various sides don’t understand that their conflict isn’t just their conflict, but history repeating itself. To break the cycle of history that leads to constant inner conflict and war on the outside, we must heal history. To a very large degree, the future of humanity depends on our developing and implementing tools to break the repetitive cycle of unprocessed history. Come along and through theory, stories, and exercises learn how to heal history.

“In his new book Healing History, Dr. Gary Reiss shows us how important it is to work with people’s and the world’s history so that patterns can be broken. This book is an important contribution to Process Oriented Psychology and helps individuals, families, groups and countries learn methods to break the cycle of inner and outer wars, for their own sake and the sake of the planet.” —Dr. Arnold Mindell, founder of Process-oriented Psychology